
A blog for myself about nothing in particular

21 Sep 2024

Playing with fire -- an experiment with bots and public forms on websites

In a previous post, I wrote about Adding a Guestbook to Hugo website using Staticman. It was a fun weekend experiment, and I intentionally kept it “stupid simple” just like it used to be made in the old days – fully knowing that it was not a good idea to expose the endpoint to the public. I was curious to see how long it would take for the bots to find it and start spamming it. In short, it took longer than expected, a real person found the website before the bots did, and none of the spam content submitted was ever published to the site because of the approval gateway / design for guestbook contributions.

The original post was posted June 2023, but the actual live Guestbook page was published March 2023. After a few months of no activity in December 2023 I decided to take the opportunity to be the first to sign the guestbook – potentially entising other visitors to do the same.

Sure enough – in February 2024 a real person (I am assuming someone from Germany) signed the guestbook. “Phil” left the message, Das ist ziemlich cool which I used Google to translate to “That’s pretty cool”. This seemed genuine and so it was approved. I had my first contribution – and surpringly it was from a real person it seemed! It was only 2 days after that when I got my first spam submission. The spam was caught by the approval gateway and never published to the site. I was happy to see that the design was working as intended.

With that said, I wanted to continue this experiment and there are plenty of solutions to address spam bots from even submitting content. Most recently I made a change to the guestbook, adding a “honeypot” strategy to attempt to mitigate/prevent spam bots from even submitting content to the approval gateway. I am curious to see how well this works, everything is live on the Guestbook as of this post.

If you are a carbon-based lifeform, please feel free to sign the guestbook and let me know what you think of the site. Happy web surfing all!